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In recent years, the world has experienced a flourishing of the acceptance of the diversity of individuals and the freedom of self-determination. Therefore, along with brands without a pronounced gender identity, there are brands that reconsider the gender roles that have been formed and expand the audience at the expense of the other sex.
On the Russian page of the Chinese Internet retailer Alibaba, the first products of domestic production will be baby food, toys and food, according to RIA Novosti with reference to the director for international projects of the REC Michael Mamonov.
The award and the honorary title ABSOLUTE BRAND are awarded to the top 10 companies for outstanding success and mastery in the field of brand creation and promotion.
There is a wise saying: water is life. We might add that good water is a healthy life. Fashion for a healthy lifestyle caused an increase in the consumption of bottled water, both safe and having favorable organoleptic properties. Hygienic requirements for the quality of children's water are more stringent than those of the water in a centralized water supply system. Children's water, while maintaining all the criteria listed above, is also optimal in quality, meets the criteria of physiological usefulness in terms of the content of the main biologically necessary macro- and microelements, and has even more stringent regulations for a number of organoleptic and sanitary-toxicological indicators. Children's water is specifically designed to preserve and improve health, which is especially important for the most vulnerable ‘critical’ group of population, the children.
For their babies, mothers want to choose the best: the best stroller, crib, kindergarten, and of course, the best and healthy food. Supplementary food forms food habits and greatly affects child's health. Choosing where to begin, you need to trust the pediatrician and believe the manufacturer. But! Whoever is informed is armed. We decided to conduct a short but informative educational program for mothers and ask the expert how to choose high-quality baby food. Dmitry Makarkin, Director for Quality and New Technologies of PROGRESS OJSC answers our questions.
Your child is 4 months old, growing, developing, and needs more energy to discover the world. What should we feed the baby with, when it comes to new products? What should mothers choose? We have asked "FrutoNyanya", the food producer beloved by millions of babies, what the correct menu of the baby should be, and what mothers should take into consideration when choosing products for children. Helping people to be healthy from the earliest childhood, "FrutoNyanya" offers mothers the "FIRST CHOICE" products*, a wide range of products for introducing new food into the baby's diet.
There are many opinions about the introduction of supplementary foods: pediatricians advise one thing, moms another, the baby prefers the third. What should the mother choose? Answering the question of how to make the right first choice, we turned to the assortment of the baby food brand, beloved by millions.